Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Kitchen's Remedies

The Kitchen's Remedies

Milk: Reduces Irritation

Milk is not only for kids. This beverage relieves minor skin iritation, such as a mild burn or itching caused by an alergic reaction. The secret of milk's success is casein, a protein that helps reduce inflammation. You don't drink it, though. What you do is : mix equal pars of water and milk in bowl, then dip a lightweight cloth, such as a handkerchief or bandann, in the solution. Squeeze the cloth gently, then place the compress on teh skin. After 30 seconds, radip the handkerchief, and re applay.

Repeat for ten minutes, two or three times a day, until redness and inflamation subside

Honey:sweet relief

Record from ancient Egypt show that as far back as 2000 B.C., honey was used as dressing to cleanse and heal superficial wounds. More recently, scientists have discovered that honey has natural antibiotic properties that can prevent infections and hasten healing.

To treat minor cuts or scrapes, gently rub a little honey on the wound, then cover it with a Band-Aid or gauze, sugests Elson M. Haas, M.D., director of the preventive Medical Center of Marin in san Rafael, California. And make sure the area is well covered before venturing outside-or you might attract bees!

 well, readrs, the above  information is not only interesting but it will add you valuable knowledge too. Want to know more about the wonderful world of ancient

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