Saturday, November 19, 2011

about Herbalism

about Herbalism 

Herbalism is the practice of traditional medicine or natural remedies on the use of plants and plant Extracts. Herbalism is also known as botanical medicine, herbal medicine, herbal medicine, herbal medicine is known and herbal medicine. The scope of herbal medicine is sometimes also include fungi and bee products as well as minerals, shells and certain animal parts. Pharmacognosy is the study of medicine derived from natural sources.
The traditional use of drugs is recognized as a way to learn about the potential for drugs in the future. In 2001, The researchers identified 122 compounds used in traditional medicine, which have been hit by  ethnomedical" plant sources, were 80% of these compounds in the same way as the traditional or used in connection ethno-medical use .

Many plants synthesize substances that are helpful in maintaining the health of humans and other the animals. These include aromatic substances, most of which are phenols or their oxygen-substituted Derivatives such as tannins. Many are secondary metabolites, including at least 12,000 have been isolated estimated that less than 10% of the total. Used in many cases, substances such as alkaloids plant defense mechanisms against predation by microorganisms, insects and herbivores. Many herbs and spices used by humans to season food yield useful medicinal compounds.
As with drugs, a number of herbs are thought likely to cause side effects.  In addition, fake, "insufficiently formulated, or lack of understanding of plants and drug- Interactions of adverse events that are life-threatening or fatal out.  Although this Adverse drug effects are minuscule compared to 20% of GP visits  to be due ADRs to conventional drugs. [7] [8] or 6.7% of hospital admissions due to adverse events [9] [10] Although ADR produces much less herb and / or side effects in general, as many drugs.

People on all continents have used hundreds of thousands of native plants for the treatment of diseases since prehistoric times. Herbs have been in the personal effects of tzi the Iceman, whose body found Ötztal was frozen in the Alps over 5,300 years. These herbs seem to have been used to treat Parasites found in his intestines. Anthropologists assume that animals developed a tendency to seek bitter plant parts in response to the disease.

Indigenous healers have often said, learned by observing that sick animals change their food Preferences for bitter herbs that would normally refuse to nibble on. [13], from field biologists Further evidence for the observation of several species such as chimpanzees, chickens, sheep, and is based Butterflies. Gorillas have 90% of their food from the fruit of Aframomum melegueta, a relative of the Ginger, which is a potent antimicrobial and apparently keeps shigellosis infections similar Remotely. [14] Current research focuses on the possibility that plants also protects gorillas fibrosing cardiomyopathy, which has a devastating effect on animals in captivity.

Researchers from Ohio Wesleyan University found that some birds nesting material rich in choice antimicrobial agents which protect their young from harmful bacteria.  Sick animals tend to forage plants rich in secondary metabolites such as tannins and alkaloids. , since These secondary metabolites often have antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal and anthelmintic, an plausible case can be made self-medication by animals in nature .

Some animals have digestive system is particularly suited to certain plant toxins to be done. For example, the Koala on Eucalyptus leaves and shoots of life, a plant that is dangerous to most animals A plant that is safe for a particular animal may not be safe for humans to ingest.  A reasonable person Guess is that these discoveries were traditionally collected by the people of indigenous medicine Strains, which then forwarded the information and safety instructions.

The use of herbs and spices in the kitchen developed partly in response to the threat of foodborne Pathogen. Studies show that in tropical climates, in which agents are most likely to be Recipes more spicy. Also, the spices tend to be selected with the greatest antimicrobial effect.  In all cultures vegetables are less than meat, seasoned probably because they are more resistant to Decay

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

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