Sunday, November 13, 2011

Herbal medicinal plants

Herbal medicinal plants

What are herbs?

"Herbalism is the practice of traditional medicine or natural remedies on the use of plants and plant Extracts. Herbalism is also known as botanical medicine, herbal medicine, herbal medicine, herbal medicine  is known and herbal medicine. " These drugs medicinal plant materials used for the treatment of certain Symptoms or diseases that are associated with many herbs and herbal preparations used for centuries in different cultures such as India and China.
Current trends and regulations Today, the public is better informed about their health and options available to and / or prevent Treatment of the disease. Coupled with the knowledge, the current emphasis on organic and healthy food,  medicinal plants became more popular. The traditional herbs and herbal preparations used in India and China their way to Europe and increase the range of herbs available. Because of This trend is even more important that people understand that medicinal plants have a physiological Effect on the body and must be used with caution. Until recently, the regulation of medicinal plants Medicine in Britain was very relaxed, but special attention to safety concerns For example, the interaction of St. John's wort with conventional drugs.

Herbal medicines can actually reach the market through three routes:

• unlicensed medicines

• registered traditional herbal medicinal plants

• Licensing of medicinal plants
Drug Unlicensed

Currently, most herbal remedies in the UK is not approved as an exemption from the realization of a  product License or approval in accordance with the exception described in § 12 of the Act of 1968 drugs. registered
b) Traditional herbal medicinal plants  On 30 October 2005, a new regime of "Herbal Registration Scheme traditional medicine," was introduced in Great Britain, which is also a requirement of the EU directive on traditional herbal  medicines Drugs (2004/24/EC). This is a simplified registration procedure where  edication needs to be safety and quality standards to meet, but not necessarily the same level of efficiency for a good Licensed product.  licensed

 medicinal plants

Currently there are about 500 medicinal plants, which a product license (marketing have Approval). In order to obtain a product, companies must demonstrate that their herbal Medicine meets certain safety standards, quality and efficiency. For many it was difficult to meet Criteria and is one of the reasons why the traditional record Botanicals Scheme was introduced. Licensed medicinal plants can easily be identified by a unique nine License number on the product or the packaging with the prefix "PL".
The future

For reasons of safety and quality, the sale of medicinal plants without a license is no longer allowed and  all Medicinal plants should have a recording of traditional herbal (THR) or a Product Licence (PL). He However, an exception to this and that, if the herbal remedy both of the following conditions are met Requirements:

1) he is legally in the UK market as a herbal medicine without a license in accordance with S12 (2) the Medicines Act 1968 and

2) was also legally on the UK market under S12 (2) 30 April 2004 While the grass does not satisfy these two requirements, are entitled to transitional protection and can therefore continue as a herbal medicine without a license until 30 April 2011, he brought traffic  to be delivered to fulfill the requirements of S12 (2) meet.

All companies should be aware that herbal remedies that do not have a record of traditional herbal or license the product after 30 April 2011 is not allowed to sell or trade their medications be. When already on the market, the Agency for Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) to  emphasize that it removed, even if the company presents the application and are awaiting approval.
Recently showed the MHRA their power to take a product from the market. They found Homeopathic remedies he Neals Yard product "Malaria Officinalis 30c" do not have a product license in spite of all homeopathic remedies are classed as illegal drugs, and the product was clear that the Treatment or prevention of malaria. The company has now withdrawn the drug
Today, the challenge for companies to provide accurate information to the base of plants that meet the  criteria and standards established by the MHRA continue to sell their drugs. With tight budgets and Lack of resources, it is important to have a control to see the experience in conjunction with the MHRA and regulatory processes on a daily basis. A council of regulatory compliance, such as Global Regulatory Services can help as the administrative burden and therefore the herbal remedies an continue to be offered to the public as a safe alternative and / or a complementary product Conventional medicine.


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  4. As a result of the pandemic, people have become so health conscious that they want to stay healthy, which has affected both their mental and physical health. In this section, we will see how herbalife products can be registered with the FSSAI.

    Read more about Herbalife Registration
